Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: Turnbull
While waiting at an unusually empty gate area at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, I looked up from my book--and, standing not 100 feet away, there was Muhammed Ali! He was all by himself. Superficially, he looked great: trim, not fat like most former heavyweight boxers, no gray hair, no obvious marks on his face. But his eyes told a different story: he was a million miles away, lost in space.

I just read this now. What a stark difference from SC's encounter.

I think one of the saddest things I've EVER seen on tv was a view of Ali at a baseball game two years ago. He was sitting in the stands with his wife, and was announced to the crowd. Of course he got a standing ovation and the tv cameras focused on him waving (weakly) to the crowd. After the ovation died down the cameras focused back on the game but the announcers were still talking about Ali. The camera then moved back to Ali and he was sitting there drooling as his wife was cleaning up his face. The camera quickly moved away, but it wasn't soon enough for me. That sad image will remain with me forever. frown
