Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
I wish it were a level playing field. Then teams, such as the Marlins, might be in contention each year because they are so good at evaluating young talent and bringing those players to the big league. There needs to be a set salary cap for players and the teams, like in the NBA.

Given some years I think a team like Florida will be in contention because of their minor leagues and how they bring talent up. Sadly, a few years down the road after that, some of their talented players might opt to leave them for "greener" (i.e. cash) pastures.

Yeah, probably for the next few years the Marlins will be the Oakland A's of the National League (which is a big compliment in today's baseball world).

Originally Posted By: SC
Whatever happened to team loyalty? (I know... I know.... it's all about money now). THAT'S what is sad!!

I agree, loyalty in sports is dead and it's a two-way street. The players have no loyalty to the organization and in turn the organization has no loyalty to the player (like why did Emmitt Smith not play his ENTIRE career in Dallas?). As Vince McMahon always says, "it's all about the mon-ayyyy!)