Originally Posted By: SC
FWIW - As a Red Sox fan, I agree that a lot of their hardcore fans are somewhat disenchanted with them now (for being a "corporate" entity rather than just a baseball team). I know I am.

Believe me, if the Giants could buy a championship I'd be the happiest fan ever. I would also get sick of it quick though if it were every year.

I wish it were a level playing field. Then teams, such as the Marlins, might be in contention each year because they are so good at evaluating young talent and bringing those players to the big league. There needs to be a set salary cap for players and the teams, like in the NBA.

But MLB won't allow it, and ESPN will continue to milk the New York/Boston angle as much as they can even though most of the country has been sick of it for years. It's sad.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes