Originally Posted By: Irishman12
As for your dislikes of the Yankees, yes they have the highest payroll in baseball but I love how everyone focuses just on them. No one had a problem when Boston bought their World Series title last year.

I disagree. Right now people have the same negative feelings towards Boston as they do towards the Yankees. When the Red Sox finally won a championship in '04 I think most fans were happy because they were the underdogs as well as the rivals of the long hated Yankees with a long history of failing to win a World Series while the Yankees won so many.

When the Sox won again most fans were tired of it already because they were buying championships like the Yankees. In fact, with the success of the Red Sox, Celtics and Patriots most fans have had enough of that entire city, but we don't need to get into the other sports.

If the Mets and Cubs and any other high payroll team were to win other people would be just as upset, especially if they were to make the playoffs every single year.

However, I believe it's fair to say that it's tough for other high payroll teams to do as well as the Yankees because New York sucks up most of the best talent while the other teams settle for what's left. Proof is in A-Rod. Why isn't he a Cub?

The Yankees can out-pay any other team.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes