Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Forgive me if this has been overly-discussed and I don't frequent this thread so I want to know... how do Yankee fans feel about the Steinbrenner's? Since I live on the other coast I don't hear the daily stuff that is said by them. So I always thought George was the half(if not completely) crazy one. After Hank's comments about Wang's injury while running the bases...

The Yankees drive me nuts and it's because of two things. One, they buy their way into the playoffs, and two MLB won't do anything to stop it.

Long live the Steinbrenner's and their revolutionary comments.

P.S. forgive me for the negativity, I didn't intend this message to end that way, but I love baseball so much and the Yankees symbolize everything that is "great" and evil about the sport.

As a Yankees fan, at times I shake my head and feel like telling George or Hank to put a sock in it (Hank more than George). However, as owners of my beloved team I love them for the simple reason they will do whatever it takes to win. Money is no object. They actually put their own money back into the franchise. How many other owners do that? Just look at the Florida Marlins, Kansas City Royals, and Baltimore Orioles as examples. They care about their team deeply and I believe they do what is in the best interest of the organization and it's fans.

As for your dislikes of the Yankees, yes they have the highest payroll in baseball but I love how everyone focuses just on them. No one had a problem when Boston bought their World Series title last year. Yet the Yankees do it and immediately there's a problem. And as SB said, what about the Mets or even the Cubs in the NL? They have some pretty high payrolls and the Cubs are at least in first place. Granted I'm happy for them because they haven't won the series in 100 years but no one's bringing up the money issue. It's none other than good ol' fashion Yankee-hating. As such, I'm tired of the Yankees getting the short end of the stick. Granted I know it's to be expected as their's no middle ground when it comes to the Yankees, you either love them or hate them. But even though the Yankees have had the highest payroll in baseball for years, how many titles have they won since 2000? Regretfully none, so what's the problem really?