Forgive me if this has been overly-discussed and I don't frequent this thread so I want to know... how do Yankee fans feel about the Steinbrenner's? Since I live on the other coast I don't hear the daily stuff that is said by them. So I always thought George was the half(if not completely) crazy one. After Hank's comments about Wang's injury while running the bases...

"My only message is simple. The National League needs to join the 21st century. They need to grow up and join the 21st century. Am I (mad) about it? Yes. I’ve got my pitchers running the bases, and one of them gets hurt. . . . I don’t like that, and it’s about time they address it. That was a rule from the 1800s."

Now I'm convinced the Yankees are in the hands of crazy people for centuries to come. Doesn't Hank realize the American League changed 100 years of tradition by adding the DH? Maybe the National League should be revolutionary and join the American league by adding the DH, and then also adding designated runners because, God forbid, any "athlete's" should injure themselves running the bases.

Hell, why not have designated fielders and designated throwers. The infield might look crowded, but God forbid the freakin' athlete's should injure themselves by doing something athletic like running the damn bases!

The Yankees drive me nuts and it's because of two things. One, they buy their way into the playoffs, and two MLB won't do anything to stop it.

Long live the Steinbrenner's and their revolutionary comments.

P.S. forgive me for the negativity, I didn't intend this message to end that way, but I love baseball so much and the Yankees symbolize everything that is "great" and evil about the sport.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes