Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Hunter Mahan shot a 63 today

I shot a 62 once!!!

(Then I went on to the back nine).

Seriously, the best round I ever shot on a regulation course was a 77 (on the Yellow course at Bethpage).... and that was with one double bogey!! Those days are long gone; I haven't played in years and I'd be lucky to shoot 110 now.

Two golf holes stand out in my memory and I guess they always will. Allow to me to brag for a bit:

Back in 1974 I went to Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico, and played on it's championship course. There was one LONG par-5 that had a big dogleg left over water. The resort had a standing offer - if you eagled the hole, you'd get your room free for a week. Well, I was hitting the ball well that week, and this one particular day, I was really creaming it. Now, I usually hit a fade and that's how I played this hole on the earlier rounds. This day I thought I'd try to hook it over the water (the carry was at least 270 yards). I locked up my left side and absolutely hit the piss out of the ball... it cleared the water and ran up the fairway (probably totalling 350 yards off the tee). I was faced with a fairly straight second shot of about 225 yards to the pin. I pulled out my trusty 3 wood and put the ball on the middle of the green about 35 feet from the cup.

So here I am, putting for an eagle and a free week at the hotel..... I ended up three putting for a par. frown

Second "brag": About 15 years ago I visited my parents in Florida and my dad used to play at an "executive" course (probably about 6,000 yards). I was playing regularly then and hitting the ball well. This day, it was very warm, and I was TOTALLY relaxed and loose. We came up to the first par 4 (only about 310 yards) with a slight dogleg right (which favored my fade). I had the honors but told my dad and the two guys we were playing with to hit because the foursome ahead of us was just getting to the green. I waited until the foursome ahead putted out before I approached the tee. The two other guys we were playing with looked at each other with rolling eyes, but when I put the ball pin high on the fringe they stopped rolling their eyes. I putted in for an eagle.

The rest of the day (I think I shot a 71 or 72) these guys looked at me like I was a pro. It was a great feeling and one I'll never forget.
