Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Originally Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss
Does anyone here like Resident Evil 3?

I thought it was very good, especially the ending, very suspenseful - I was jumping round the room with that revelation!

The Sci Fi channel has shown both Resident Evil 1 & 2 (don't know about 3). By reading the description, I have been tempted, but never did watch it. I like the idea of the Sci Fi Channel, but a lot of their movies are dumb. Although they do show some good ones from time to time.


For better or for worse, the Sci-Fi Channel does honor the "B" tradition of the sci-fi and horror genres.....or "Z-grade," to be technical with Internet jargon.

I mean, what other channel would make a movie about a Special Forces Army unit going to war with the Headless Horseman? Not LIFETIME, thats for sure.