I'm not a gangster, never was.

I'm not a racketeeer, never was.

So what am I?

I have Aspergers, got benefit, so why bother working. Especially in this country.

Whatever money I do make comes from someone else. He sorts it and collects it. He gets nothing, for two reasons: he says stuff that he should'nt say (he treats me as a friend and not a moneymaker, liberty taker), second reason is he says he can't accept anything because he has "morals"(f**k him and his high falutin b******t). I've already fell out with him, but can't do anything about moving on til I sort out stuff with another prick-friend that has left the scene due to a stroke.

It's simple - I spend the benefit and save what I make = an investment and money ready to loan out, which I've done on numerous occasions.