Thinking back to the gas/energy "crisis" of the mid 70s and early 80s, gasoline prices never jumped as high as this past year and we actually had trouble getting gas. License plates that ended in odd numbers could only get gas on Mon. Wed. Fri..etc. The government was requesting that homes and businesses adjust thermostats to save; every other light bulb was removed in office buildings and so on. There's none of those conditions now and the prices have increased much more than in those times, which tells me one thing. We're being F*cked! And the government doesn't give a sh*t. Why? Because those rapists are in on it. There is no supply problem, only a greed problem and I don't care what any of the Gangster BB economy experts say. WE'RE BEING VIOLATED! and Congress is checking on the high price of CHEESE!

Last edited by MaryCas; 06/16/08 05:09 PM.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12