Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: FrankWhite
oh ok... but why Santino, Connie, Vincent, and Mary?

Santino, in case you didn't notice was murdered as the result of his bad temper and despite Hagen's desperate attempt to stop him from leaving the compound.

Connie, after being widowed, whored around the world, lost her children and was reduced to being Michael's caregiver/substitute Don. After that opera she was alone in the world.

Mary despite warnings that her association with Vincent was dangerous was still arguing her point on the opera steps. If she had gone to the car quickly as instructed she would have lived.

Vincent lot the love of his life and shattered Michael by botching security at the opera.

I'd say those are fairly significant consequences.

um... DT, I kinda see where you're going, but Connie started suffering when she was widowed (which she had NOTHING to do with). And I can see how you can say that Santino being killed was a result and consequence of his hot temper, but when I think of "What goes around, comes around" I think of you doing something to some one and I get the same thing in return.

"From now on, nothing goes down unless I'm involved. No blackjack no dope deals, no nothing. A nickel bag gets sold in the park, I want in. You guys got fat while everybody starved on the street. Now it's my turn." (King of New York)