I really thought I'd probably mentioned this before here, but couldn't find anything. Has anyone ever been to or heard of the art car parades or the museum? I think it's mostly popular here in Houston, but it seems there are parades held elsewhere, at least in Minnesota.

I've been to the parades (and the museum) before with my family a few years back, and though we haven't gone recently, they're held annually and are really cool. What sparked my interest again was when I came across some video clips my parents had taken at the parade in 2006 when they took my little cousin. I made those into a YouTube video:

I actually remember, when I was little, my brother and dad would always talk about how they were going to make an art car someday and enter it...something we knew would never happen, but liked to talk about. haha And I remember my brother and I would use hot glue to put little beads, pipe cleaners, buttons, etc. on our little hot wheels toy cars - our own mini-art cars.

"What began in 1988 with 40 decorated vehicles and a handful of onlookers is now the Worlds Largest and Oldest Art Car Parade. The event features over 250 Art Cars, 200,000 plus live spectators and media from all over the world, making Houston ground zero of an international phenomenon.
Scores of lowrider, classic cars, costumed rollerskaters, musicians on floats, art bicyclists, hot-rodders, and hard-to-classify rolling contraptions join in and shine in the spotlight.
From: http://www.orangeshow.org/artcar.html


This is one of my favorites - it's called "Student Driver"...