I have always been active and fall in and out of exercise routines. For the past 9 months I have gotten back into a routine and more so in the last 3 months. Mainly because I have the genetic cholesterol problem. Exercise helps to increase the HDL (good), which on me is low. I have been jogging 2-3 miles, three times a week. The days I don't jog, I ride my bike; usually 5-10 miles three days a week. Jogging hurts my knees, but aerobically I can probably handle more. At my age (58), I should do more weights. It keeps the bones strong. One of the things that starts to fail as you get older. Now if I could just cut out a few martinis....nah.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12