Originally Posted By: Saladbar
Originally Posted By: Just Lou
After Hillary's speech tonight, If I were Obama I'd tell her to go F*ck herself.

I know, really!

Imagine if Clinton had just won the nomination of the party, and Obama went to give a speech, introduced as the "next president", failing to congratulate Hillary on her victory, failing to acknowledge that she had the majority, talking about everything HE had done, and how HIS supporters must have their wishes fulfilled, and that he will 'decide' how to act -- Imagine the histrionics!

Here we have a historic moment and a need to move on for the party's sake and for Obama to gain focus for the general election, and Hillary is still trying to steal the spotlight, still twisting the knife, still being a distraction and still living in the fantasy world of her own devising.

I read about Obama's idea of making peace with Clinton by offering her the Secretary of Heath position. That way she gets to work on her Universal Health Care (which is a big thing for her). That's better than her being VP and her waiting for an assassination ;P.

You would think so, exect Hillary is too much like Nixon: That thirst for power, that hunger for conquest just overrides any ideological goals she has been pinning for.

Then again, who knows. Maybe she'll surprise us.
