Originally posted by Turnbull:
Many thanks for posting, MC14! Appreciate it!
One question: you didn't mention the Bocchicchio Family and how they provided the means for Michael to return from Sicily. I found that one of the most interesting parts of the novel. Did the Dutch version omit that part?
Any time Turnbull!

Yes, it did complement that, I forgot to talk about it, I alsow found it very interesting. The novel in Dutch version says that the Bocchicchio Family was a violent Family on Sicily, and when they went to America they did in the garbage business, and they were sort of "peacemakers", it said that they were hostages for hire, that when something would go wrong with ingociations, they would have the hostage as an ensurance, kind of a weerd job, but interesting.

"I won't be a man like you." - Michael to Vito, orginal Part II ending