I think believing that Santana, at 29 years of age, has already peaked is wishful thinking. There is not one MLB team that would not be better by having Santana on its roster. He will be a force, barring injury (which can be said about any player), for the next 5-7 years. Granted we know he cheated, but some of Clemens' best days were in his mid-to-upper 30s. Age, particularly in baseball, is much less a factor than in football or basketball. Baseball players primes tend to be about 27-34 and can still be very good as an older player (see Schilling, Clemens, Smoltz, et al).

The three pitchers you mentioned being the cornerstones of NY's rotation is debatable. Let's see them do what Maddux, Glavine & Smoltz did for 2-3 years consistently before making that comparison. Not only were Atlanta's big 3 kicking ass in the regular season, they gained tons of playoff experience every year early in their careers. The Yankees guys are blue chip prospects, but the jury is still out whether they'll be big time starters.