The only way deal to deal with the Ulster question is not to deal with the Irish question: we must devolve as much power to Ulster as possible, government from Belfast is the only answer; we must encourage cross-border co-operation between North and South and to make the power sharing agreement between the Democratic Unionist Party and Sinn Fein work as it is doing so right now.

I am a life long British Unionist and will always remain so; I should add that I am also Catholic. It's not just Protestants who believe in Unionism and Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom; any more than saying all Protestants are automatically Unionist.

I can never forgive the gunmen of IRA/Sinn Fein, but I can set those feelings to one side for the sake of peace and to avoid more bloodshed.

Can't all Irish Republicans give peace a chance?

"If they had been wiseguys, I wouldn't have heard a thing"