Yes! I finally am understanding the alliances and the thougths that went unsaid, basically all the things that books are great for (interior thoughts, state of mind). I think I would have had a hard time grasping the intensity with which the story unfolds, I may have even lost interest. In the book Puzo lays things out in a matter of fact kind of way. This happens, then that happens... No real tension like in the movies.
I like the book a lot, but it certainly made sense to me when I read some interview questions with Puzo about the fact that he never really was that into the GF story and wrote it to turn a buck. He never felt that it was that well written himself, he was surprised that it was such a hit because he himself regarded his first two books as his best work.
The driving force for me is in the details! I love small details, subtle phrases that cast light on characters and their mind set. I have to say that if you felt that anything was missing from the movies, read the book! As soon as I'm done with the book I will rewatch the GF1 and GF2 and see it with a new appreciation for it's lush style and true storytelling entertainment. Puzo doesn't glorify the life at all it seems but the movies sure do and that's one thing I enjoy about the films!