Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Okay, so ask me how much I paid for gas today? Go a mad madhead ask??? $4.13. Last Thursday it was 3:90 something. My friend said she went by a station during lunch hour yesterday and it was 4:03 and when she passed the same station on her way back from lunch it was 4:10????? mad I'm pissed!!!! mad


At 7:30 am in the quiet town of Silicon City a large fireball ascended over the intersection of Valee Road and Rudy Way. The cause - an enraged valley woman drove her car into several gas pumps in an apparent protest over the rising cost of gasoline. The woman driver has not been apprehended. She has become the object of a three-county search by local and state police.

The woman, who was described by several witnesses as petite and demure, first entered the gas station and asked several people there to "stand back" as she related to them her intention of ramming the gas pumps. They said it was clear that she was concerned for the patrons of the station but was very serious in her intentions to take out her wrath on the pumps. After careening into the pumps she was heard yelling out the window, "I'm sorry, but someone's got to do it!"

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12