Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Took the kids to the flicks today to see it.

Great stuff,i think i enjoyed it more than the kids did grin

My review is coming, but I enjoyed it too...maybe even more than LAST CRUSADE. Maybe.

Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
The only thing i thought was wrong was the Alien storyline, didn't expect that..

I thought it fitted fine with the 1950s, you know that decade of the Monster & Alien "B-Movies"....what I wasn't exactly a fan of was the convulted plotting of the aliens (or inter-dimensional aliens or whatever) to the Mayans, I mean leave that shit to the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN flicks.

If anything, the one edge that SKULL has over CRUSADE is that instead of fighting more NAzis out in the desert over a Judean-Christian artifact, SKULL tries something fresh with the new time period and pulp trash material...not all of it worked, but I enjoyed it.

What surprised me though I guess was Shia LeBeouf. Hated DISTURBIA and goddamn TRANSFORMERS, and fuck I, ROBOT, but he was fine in INDY IV, so maybe he's not at fault really for those crappy flicks, except only in deciding to do them.