Well, I've played through the entire single-player mode of GTAIV, and it was awesome. I've played a lot of great games in my life (and quite a few crappy ones), but I will be so bold as to say GTAIV is the greatest piece of interactive entertainment ever produced.

Great story with an unforgettable cast of characters. The production values are through the roof with limited load times (just between missions, and the initial load screen at the beginning.) The driving mechanics take some getting used to, but you'll be tear-assing around Liberty City in no time.

Some of the missions you'll encounter are of the classic-GTA formula, but there are quite a few surprises strewn throughout, and even certain instances where you're given choices on a particular action. Do I kill this guy or let him live? If you let certain characters live, you may come across them later in the game. Kill them, and they're dead for good.

The taxi service in the game is absolutely brilliant. Instead of having to drive yourself all the way to the other side of the map for a mission, you can hail a taxi to pick you up. Sit back and enjoy the ride, or skip to the location at extra cost. The ability to restart a mission if you fail is also a welcome addition (and you will fail missions from time to time).

The relationship system in the game is like an upgraded version of the "girlfriends" you could have in SAN ANDREAS. You can call up a friend (or they'll call you) and invite them to do a number of things, such as bowling, playing a game of darts or pool, see a show (there are a couple celebrity cameos at the comedy club), or go drinking. The drinking mini-game will likely cause ROCKSTAR GAMES a ton of problems with the anti-videogame crusaders out there, but it fits into the context of the game. Go out drinking with a buddy, and you'll literally be stumbling and falling all over the place. It's a challenge just to get to your car, and then once you get IN the vehicle, the REAL fun begins. The camera sways back and forth, the screen blurs, and the car kinda has a mind of its own. If you come across a police officer while driving drunk, they'll give chase. It's a fun little diversion that will likely get blown WAY out of proportion. It MAY be a little much, but nowhere near as bad as many politicians will have you believe.

Liberty City has changed since the last time we explored it's streets. It's been rebuilt from the ground up, and is based HEAVILY on New York City. There are 4 boroughs and a seperate state based on New Jersey (called Alderney). The four broughs are based on four of the main boroughs in NYC. You have Broker (Brooklyn), Bohan (The Bronx), Dukes (Queens), and Algonquin (Manhattan). The developers were gonna add an area based on Staten Island, but they didn't feel it would be a fun place to explore in the context of a video game. You'll see such landmarks as Rotterdam Tower (Empire State Building), Middle Park (Central Park), and the Statue of Happiness (Statue of Liberty.) You can even visit Firefly Island (which is based on Coney Island.) The city feels alive and lived in, and every street looks unique. Head to Dukes, and the streets are ragged, the housing projects are falling apart, and there are people on the streets hustling. Head to Algonquin and drive through Star Junction (based on Times Square) to see all the glitz and glamour NYC is known for. Liberty City isn't an exact replica of NYC, it's more of a caricature, with many of the more interesting aspects of the city blown out of proportion for comedic relief.

The problems are few and far between. There are some pop-in issues, though they are afew ande far between, and nowhere near as bad as past iterations in the franchise. The enemy AI, while smart overall, sometimes makes boneheaded moves, but it IS a video game.

GTAIV also seems a bit easier than past games. I played through the whole single without once considering entering a cheat code. It's still a challenging game, but nowhere as hard as SAN ANDREAS. It's not necessarily a bad thing, just an observation.

The multi-player is as good as you've heard. Cops n' Crooks is my favorite mode. It pits a team of cops versus a team of criminals trying to make off with some loot. It's a classic game of cops and robbers, with the classic GTA flavor.

Free Mode is the most liberating mode in GTAIV, and will likely take up the bulk of your time online. Up to 16 players can partake on the fun, and you can literally do ANYTHING. Create your own games, or try some of the ones created by the developers and other players. The sense of freedom is mind boggling.

I don't need to tell you guys that if you have a 360 or PS3, you need to get this game. It is an absolute must play experience that should be missed by no one. If you don't have either system, make a friend that does, and go over and check it out. You will not be disappointed. GTAIV has set a new bar for not only open world games, but video games in general. It will be talked about and dissected for years to come. It is a hallmark of interactive entertainment, and an experience you won't soon forget.


"Growing up my dad was like 'You have a great last name, Galifianakis. Galifianakis...begins with a gal...and ends with a kiss...' I'm like that's great dad, can we get it changed to 'Galifianafuck' please?" -- Zach Galifianakis