(First Viewing)

Meh. I don't understand why Jake and Elwood Blues are such "iconic cinema characters"? I didn't find them to be extremely impressive or memorable for that matter.

For once, goddamnit, elaborate. Please. Why is it so hard for you to find any type of substance in anything that you type? Honestly man, if you're going to even bother writing about a film, at least give some fucking insight instead of the same hackeneyed garbage. Holy shit man, why are they even worth watching if it's going to be the same shit from you;

"Meh. I liked that other flick he was in."
"Well, I thought the music was ok."
"Umm, I only saw this because x was in it and she's HAWWT."

I mean, yes, I totally realize that you definitely are not any type of scholar, but it's not even because I love The Blues Brothers, it's that I can justify the existence of that love and why it's at least good; you, at best, are bush league.

Hey, how's it going?