Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Delgado's fair/foul pole home run the other night was the worst non-home run call I've ever seen.

Yes, when seen 42 times on replay from 16 angles of 10 cameras and the scuff marks on the ball and pole AND not to mention Joe Morgan's incessant ranting.

I would venture to guess that in live action that homerun call was very difficult for an umpire. Visually there are many objects and colors in the corner, not to mention angles. If the umpire saw the ball veer off to the foul side of the pole, he probably did not see it strike the top of the wall and the pole. He was following the flight of the ball and it clearly went into foul territory. I didn't see the A-Rod non-HR, but I would agree that replays should be used for a limited number of situations and homeruns are one. Luckily for the Mets they didn't lose by a run or two.

Last edited by MaryCas; 05/22/08 02:09 PM.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12