Happy birthday to your mom, Beth.

You reminded me that I had meant to post that on the 18th my grandmother turned 94.. I had previously mentioned that she has smoked a pack a day for the past 75 years and is nearly blind. She also drinks Manhattans like there's no tomorrow.

Anyway, I saw her on her birthday as the family gathered at my brother's house for a party for my nephew's first holy communion. My uncle gave my grandmother a giant calculator that was 2 feet long and 1 foot wide with large numbers (my grandmother had once complained about being unable to check her balances because she can't see the numbers). Well, her vision may be a little worse than my uncle had thought because as she was admiring it and thanking him profusely, she was holding it upside down, and asked us to plug it in so we could all listen to it.

I played it safe by giving her candy and flowers.