Originally Posted By: J Geoff

But I still contend that -- it seemed to me that -- Spielberg didn't do whatever he wanted. Because if he did, I think the film would've been a lot better, rather than a crappy pseudo-Star Wars meets Disney knock-off. whistle

You mean the same Spielberg who on his own has shot some floaters like ALWAYS and THE LOST WORLD?

Yes, the INDY pictures were always a committee project between Spielberg/Lucas/Ford, but the Panda doesn't have the Beard finger-cuffed as you seem to think he is.

Hell, Spielberg outright rejected Lucas' original pitch for INDY IV...the ole "SAUCERMEN OF MARS" concept.

Then again, you might have a point, for unless I'm mistaken, alot of concepts from SOM did end up ultimately in CRYSTAL SKULL...

Click to reveal..
You know, Indy finally settling down, mother fuckin aliens, Roswell, him fist-fighting the Soviets, etc.