Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Was it necessary to quote my entire post just for that? tongue

I simply wanted to continue the spam-tradition of the ole thread, which I'll miss. I don't care for Irishman, but he did good by creating that thread.

Originally Posted By: J Geoff
I said I still need to rewatch CRUSADE, so I'm not about to review it or comment about it after so-many years. Ask me in a few days.

Will do, though in short my problems with CRUSADE is that in a mix with alot of well-shot sequences (River Phoenix as young Indy, Berlin book burning, Venice boat chase), the 3rd Act and outright plot device is too much of a RAIDERS knock-off for my taste.

Hell, CRUSADE is probably the best shot RAIDERS knock-off ever.

Then the comedy shenanigans in the 2nd half of the picture was just simply annoying.

Originally Posted By: J Geoff
Secondly, good movies like RAIDERS are given some slack. Sucky movies like TEMPLE OF DOOM are given less slack.

"Movie Physics" to me can bend reality, or be given slack, if they at least give us a loophole of reason to buy such cheating.

With DOOM and that falling off an airplane, I bought it simply as able to land that lifeboat using gravity, and downslope of a snow-covered mountain, to escape getting flattened like a pancake. Likewise, Indy could escape from the Well of Souls in RAIDERS because those blocks were off-centered, or a pile of low-quality stone that he could push himself to freedom.

All bullshit of course, but compare both with Michael Bay's ARMAGEDDON when a shuttle crashes in an asteroid, and among the ruins, is fire burning wildly...in an air-less vacuum.

Originally Posted By: J Geoff
I don't know, I haven't seen/read anything about it, but just watching it tonight, I think Lucas thought he was the end-all-be-all and took this away from Spielberg... a shame.

Spielberg is the closest thing we have today in a modern day David Selznik, or the biggest Czar of them all in Hollywood...and in 1984 after E.T., the dude could do, and still do, whatever the fuck he wanted.

My point is, Spielberg is one such guy who could tell Lucas NO if he wanted to. For better or for worse, TEMPLE OF DOOM was Lucas/Spielberg's baby. Too bad they retreated to (way too) familiar ground with LAST CRUSADE.

Off topic, but a friend of mine actually proposed to his wife when TEMPLE OF DOOM was on TV, at the scene when the baddie forces Ford to drink the blood.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 05/20/08 01:33 AM.