Originally Posted By: J Geoff
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
INDIANA JONES & THE TEMPLE OF DOOM is a juvenile boy's adventure, except its as well-made as such a creative endeavor could possibly be.


I was planning on watching this before I saw your post, and your post didn't influence it whatsoever since I didn't read past the 2nd paragraph. whistle

I just watched DOOM tonight (also preparing for the latest episode coming out). I thought LOST ARK was great -- just pleasurable and entertaining all around.

But "well made"?? Maybe it's because I'm not a "juvenile boy" any more, but, I thought this was a big piece of crap. Seriously. I know it was 1984, but they did make bluescreen effects look realistic before '84. Hell, Wizard of Oz had better effects in the 30's! And supernatural lifesaving skills were, well, wow! Not a scratch from falling FROM A PLANE?

And, while I love Star Wars and all, this STANK of Lucas all over it, rather than Spielberg. What's that about? Did Lucas bully SPIELBERG??!! Some of the acting sucked in parts, too -- and I know it's a "kid's movie", but please, show some self-respect and talent rather than over-acting comic-booky bullcrap. whistle

I love Lucas... I love Spielberg... but this -- compared to other films, Indy titles or not -- was a bit disappointing to me.

I remember CRUSADE being better, so let's just hope my memory isn't failing me when I watch it, after David is crowned American Idol.

Blah blah, what about that horrible background blue-screen effect of the blimp in LAST CRUSADE?

And speaking of "supernatural lifesaving skills," what about in RAIDERS when Indy easily pushes aside a huge rock block to escape the Well of Souls?

Be fucking consistent.