Nice Indy review, Ronnie! All three were on SciFi recently, so it automatically became my goal to watch the full trilogy, but that failed just as it did the last time I tried watching them all with my parents about a year ago. Now we've loaned our video copies to a neighbor, so it may never work out. haha

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Adults and girls are revolted when monkey heads and snakes are eaten for lunch, and shriek as hearts are brutally ripped out of people's chests, while us boys are just loving it.
You!! tongue lol I have ranted several times to various people about how I have this distinct memory from my childhood...I was in our family living room, we were playing Monopoly (a random part of the memory) and watching Indiana Jones, and I recall being absolutely terrified by the scene where the heart is ripped out. Someday I need to revisit that to see how it affects me now, but I remember so well being completely frightened at the time.

I've never been good at giving reviews or even properly judging movies except based on my own entertainment, but I watched two recently with my cousin - The Mist and Fight Club. I heard that Stephen King gave permission for The Mist to be given a different ending, so now I'm curious to read what he originally wrote. I really enjoyed Fight Club...not at all what I expected, and I thought it was really clever.