Originally Posted By: Irishman12
PREDATOR 2 star star star
(Nth Viewing)

I'll give this film this much, it had mighty big shoes to fill after the first one and it does a pretty good job at coming close. Arnold made the original great but this was entertaining as well. Growing up I couldn't decide which one I liked better but now that I've seen both more than a couple of times, I like the original more but again, the sequel is no slouch.

The sequel is forgettable.

I mean, the idea of the Hunter in the city is good, I mean why not?

But with the government cover-up conspiracy, the ruthless media, the superiors not letting Danny Glover do what he's gotta do to kick some ass...PREDATOR 2 just feels like one bland as hell cop movie that got shoe-horned into the sci-fi genre.

The only nice thing I can say is that at least its sorta watchable, unlike those AVP pictures, which I'm sure Irish will give positive write-ups for.