I think the point Ronnie is making is not which movies are good and which are bad, PERIOD. He's saying that if you are going to write a review don't just say (basically) "I like it." or "I hate it". Tell us in detail why. It doesn't have to be the lengthy reviews that Ronnie posts. But those simple reviews, which I'm guilty of myself, don't really help someone else understand why they should or shouldn't watch it.

I could watch a horrible low budget monster movie and absolutely love it. But I'm not going to tell people to watch it because it's good. I'm going to tell them I loved it because I personally thought the horrible acting, the editing mistakes, the sound crew visible on the side of the screen, etc... made me laugh because it was so bad. It doesn't have to be a great movie to watch it and recommend it, but please give some details as to why.

That's all RRA is trying to say. Movie reviews are up for interpretation. If someone goes on and on about why they like it, and you read all those details and think "Wow, the stuff the critic is going on and on about is nothing I'm interested in" then you know not to watch it. If someone rips on a movie, but the things they are ripping are things you normally enjoy, then give the movie a chance. Those details are helpful.

Technically this thread is "Movies you just watched discussion". Hopefully there is some discussion, like this one now, and not simply:

Over the weekend I watched Transformers, No Country For Old Men, and The Gingerdead Man.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes