Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Fact is, I get entertainment from a damn fucking GOOD movie, and not just the derided loud explosions-filled summer blockbusters like say the recent IRON MAN, but as well the most derided of the downer art house pictures, or you might call "arty farty" movies, like Philip Kaufman's THE UNBEARABLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING* from 1988, which I saw the other night.

 Originally Posted By: SC

Ay, there's the rub. Who is to say what is a GOOD movie? Just you??

100% at Rotten Tomatoes.com, or considerable positive critical reviews at the time, or that Criterion has a DVD out for it, a 7.3 public grade currently at IMDB.com, Oscar nominations for cinematography and Adapted Screenplay

Shit, TCM even showed it before. You doubt The Robert Osbourne? \:D

 Originally Posted By: SC

I know it may be hard to believe, but some people may like a movie you don't (or vice-a-versa).

Read my older posts from years earlier and compare them with now.

You'll notice that I accepted that statement quite earlier than today.

IF you like or hate a movie, fine. Just if you're going to post an opinion of either, just try to put some thought behind it.

I mean, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK is one of my favorite movies, but Capo wasn't that impressed. But his RAIDERS review did have some "thought" behind why it didn't whip for him.

Or better yet, DePalma's SCARFACE, another favorite of mine, though I must say I can understand why that material fails Capo.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 05/08/08 12:11 PM.