Originally Posted By: J Geoff
 Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
why would anyone watch a movie while buzzed or drunk or whatever?

Some people actually watch movies for entertainment sake, not necessarily for writing too-long reviews on a message board to sound like they know everything.

I think its funny that you've busted Irishman's balls before, as if you're any better than him.

What is "for entertainment sake"? You mean "for entertainment's sake"? \:p ;\)

Fact is, I get entertainment from a damn fucking GOOD movie, and not just the derided loud explosions-filled summer blockbusters like say the recent IRON MAN, but as well the most derided of the downer art house pictures, or you might call "arty farty" movies, like Philip Kaufman's THE UNBEARABLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING* from 1988, which I saw the other night.

So what entertains you?

Its that very question why I write my lengthy reviews, and why Pizzaboy has been doing recently (and pretty good, I must say).

If anything, a review is to pimp or trash a movie to someone else who hasn't seen it. Its my case for it.

I just hate that because you were so juvenile as to be drunk while watching something like NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, you missed out on a terrific picture that really is of these times of ours, of trying to escape the fates the American Way with guns blazing...and realizing that you can't.

Of course, I loved Kubrick's 2001 without acid, as the hippies back in the day did. Fucking Assholes...

*=Which I recommend to you all as well.