Originally posted by Pherdy:
This has to do something I guess with the fact that there were also differences in the year of birth of Vito himself: 1887 or 1892. He would be only 18 years old when he had Sonny, if he was born in 1892.
I think you're mixing apples and oranges here. The movies (Part I and II) differ in Vito's birth year, but the novel never mentions it, nor does it give us a clue about what his age is. The movie (Part II) points to 1916 as Sonny's birth year, so Vito would've been either 25* or 29 when Sonny was born.

*The age 25 comes from my calculation that Vito was born in 1891, not 1892.

BTW, there was a good discussion here on this subject last year. Click on THIS LINK to view that thread.
