I'm a little late here. I didn't see the Tues show, but I saw the Selection show. I do hate to see Brooke go, only because she's cute, affable and honest-humble. She doesn't have the powerful pipes for the big, high notes, but she had a nice style, but not one people would go pay to see or buy her recordings.

Syesha might make it on Broadway, which is probably want she wants. She's a poser and on TV she sounds a little "pitchy". I thought her performance the week before (Andy Lloyd) was a great audition for B'way.

It looks like it will come down to the 2 Davids; they have the talent and the vocals. Jason keeps slipping by. Like Brooke, he doesn't have the big pipes, but he's likeable. Won't sell a record or have a live audience.

I'd still like to know the voting demographics, but I think that will be impossible to obtain.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12