Originally Posted By: War_Time_Consigliere
[quote=dontomasso]... I actually have very close and personal black friends (life-long dems) that tell me they'll vote for McCain if the other choice is Obama -- which just goes to show you how divided the nation is right now...

...one of those black friends I was telling you about...happens to be a former country judge who has been very involved in the ground work in my "swing-state's" dem primary election. He insists that Obama and his crew of "rich-yuppie" white kids are the dirtiest players he's ever seen...

...I heard that interview you're referring to, and in my opinion, it seemed that the reporter took Clinton's answer out of context ...

... Granted, it's Hillary in the race and not Bill, but that's why you and others refer to her (not so affectionately) as "Billary."

...I don't follow the election that closely ...

For somebody who claims at the end of all that not to 'follow the election closely...' your sure have alot to say.

Unless it's all being fed to you by those "...very close and personal black friends (life-long dems)..."

Incidentally...it's possible the reason Rhodam is referred to by some as 'Billary', is that she's been running on that 'EXPERIENCE' theme. If much of that so-called experience came from working within her husband's two terms as President (except of course when Monica was on the premises)...then the 'Billary' term fits.

True however, that if she's the nominee (which looks doubtful), she will be on her own up there and so it's pretty irrelevant to speculate how well McCain would fare against Bill.


Last edited by AppleOnYa; 04/27/08 09:02 PM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.