Originally posted by Turnbull:

I agree, Puppeteer. Contrast Vito's statement with Michael's apologia to Kay at his party in GFIII: "I spent my life protecting my family from the horrors of this world." "But you became my horror," Kay replies. Says it all right there.[/b]
great point once again, turnbull!

there's just so much parallel intentional and unintentional that come up between vito and michael, and so many angles, too.

vito and michael's lives are similar, but yet michael's life is significantly different from vito's...michael seemed to get the worst thing happen to him.

vito did lose santino, but michael lost mary when the bullet was meant for him. michael lost two wives. he lost his family.

and, like you said in a different post before, turnbull...michael, as don, had to face challenges and live in a time that brought up circumstances that vito didn't have to deal with. also, IMO it's harder to stay on top than to rise to the top. thus, IMO michael always had the harder life ahead of him (well, since the time he killed sollozzo and mccluskey).

-A Streetcar Named Desire-

Stanley: You want a shot? (offers liquor)
Blanche: No, I rarely touch it.
Stanley: There's some people that rarely touch it, but it touches them often.