Originally Posted By: J Geoff
 Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
*=He called BLADE RUNNER "rubbish" and thought RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK was meh. What The Fuck?

WHAT???! Capo, don't make me start agreeing with RedRocket here... is this true?? \:o

Blade Runner is one of my favorite films of all time!! WHAT??

Raiders, sure, it's fun, but whatever... but Blade Runner??? \:\/

Granted, I don't know which version you've seen. And a while ago I got the DVD set with "all" the versions on it, but, haven't yet watched it. But in any event... please provide a link to your review!


Not to be a snitch, but here is what Capo wrote at the FCM joint:

"'Twas the 1992 director's cut. I must say: very unimpressed. I thought it was a load of bullshit, to be honest. I'm not convinced that intelligence can exist independent of emotions. Computers that lack human emotions in cinema seem gifted at sarcasm and teasingly light-hearted wit (are these not human emotions?). Result: "human emotions = able to fall in love".

I found some of it (dialogue, slow-motion, that forced feeling of grandeur) quite risible; it looks beautiful, though, and I love the music too. Also like the surreal pace and lengthy bouts of non-action, but the narrative shifts to the droids were dull and problematic.

Dunno, perhaps it caught me in the wrong mood, or I caught the wrong cut (I'm pretty sure I'd seen the theatrical cut previously, but it's so long ago now I don't remember). You guys wanna convince me otherwise? I can't really articulate why I found it quite as pompous as I did, so I thought I'd just throw some criticisms out there for y'all to chew on."

BLADE RUNNER is a polarizing picture. Either you're in deep bloom love with it, or you fucking want to burn the negative. No real middle-ground.

 Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Last night it was Johnny Depp in Nick of Time (1995) -- a film I hadn't heard of, with Christopher Walken, no less. Not terrible. Not great. But seemed to be like a TV Movie. Forgettable, but, worth the watch if you like thrillers (I do!), or JD...

NICK OF TIME is a decent thriller, though we must remember...that was one of his first major leading gigs outside of 21 JUMP STREET or Tim Burton. Watchable it is, but that's it.

 Originally Posted By: J Geoff
Tonight was Samuel L. Jackson in One Eight Seven (1997) -- not the strongest urban high school stories I've seen, but -- okay, let's face it, a copycat (even as predecessor) of a few greats. This was all right, I guess. (It was no Lean on Me (1989) or anything -- but I saw the same vibe coming) -- but attempting to be, and failing to come thru as, a thriller.

I didn't like 187 at all. I felt it was a pissy angry story written by one fucking disgruntled teacher who saw DEER HUNTER one too many times. Hell, only thing I remembered regarding that movie was that movie's bold disclaimer at the credits: "This movie was written by a teacher."

As if that excuses for mediocrity.