Episode 97 - Spearhead

Tony walking into Janice's house, somewhat empty. There is a couch with a small tv.

Tony - Janice?

Janice, hearing Tony, rushes downstairs

Janice - Oh, hey Tony

Tony - What's up with you? You haven't come to dinner in a few weeks.

Janice - Kinda busy, looking for a job.

Tony - You, a fucking job?

Janice - Better than selling more of my shit.

Tony - I was gonna ask why there is nothing in here.

Janice - I have no money, Tony.

Tony - I'm sure Bobby left you plenty.

Janice - It all went to his fucking sister, she got the damn kids.

Tony - Plus the envelopes every couple weeks.

Janice - Those haven't come in a month.

Tony - What?

Janice - They stopped coming.

Tony - How much did you...total?

Janice - About....25k.

Tony - That's fucking all? I got you a package of 200k, Butch
fucking....nevermind...I'll find out what's wrong.

Sil and Ray in the Bing, Jason Molinaro comes in...

Jason - There's a Slav here to speak to you?

Sil looks to Ray if he knows why, Ray shrugs

Sil - Yeah...send him.

Slav, leader of the Russian gang enters. Has gained weight since we last saw him and he is getting grey up top.

Slav - Sil!

Sil - How's it been?

Slav - Better, five years in an american prison is like the fucking Hilton in Russia. Though I've packed on weight, fucking whoppers.

Sil - Never had the experience myself, but with fucking RICO...you never know

Slav - I understand.

Sil - So....you came to see me?

Slav - Is Tony here?

Ray - Nah, family shit.

Slav - Ah...

Sil - Something wrong?

Slav - A Nick Navarra came to see me a few days ago.

Sil - Where...why?

Slav - He asked me about potentially going to business with him and a Carmine fellow who he mentioned. Said room would be opening up in Jersey. I assume you know him?

Sil - Yeah, we fucking know him, he mention us?

Slav - I asked if Tony knew, he laughed and mumbled some things.

Sil - Ah fuck...listen...I want you to contact him and get some more information, this is very important.

Slav - No problem.

Slav gets up and leaves

Sil - Why the fuck would Nick talk to him?

Ray - Why do you think?

Sil - You call Patsy, Larry, and the other captains. Tell them to come here. I'll call Tony.

Ray - It's done.

Pete Feretti sits in an FBI room, Agent Harris and Grasso come in.

Harris - Did you know a Joe Borgesi?

Pete - Yeah, why?

Harris - He was murdered a few days ago, or so we think. You know any reason he was killed?

Pete - He always had a big fucking mouth, other than that...I got nothing.

Grasso - How are relations between Tony and Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.?

Pete - Things could be worse, but it's going down that road again.

Harris - Was Tony involved with the Lombroso murder in any direct way?

Pete - I said no the first twenty fucking times.

Grasso - North Jersey has been swarming with Lupertazzi guys for the last month...any reason why?

Pete - Fuck should I know?

Harris - We got word from a mole in Midtown of possible hits coming down from Carmine to Tony.

Grasso - What's going on?

Pete - Like I said relations aren't good. Can I fucking leave now? Been here for three fucking hours, no coffee or nothing.

Harris - Is Tony in danger?

Pete - Maybe if my ass was on the fucking streets I could give you a fucking answer!

Harris - You can leave, but if anything goes down soon we're pulling you off the streets. You're too valuable to us.

AJ in the kitchen reading an Army brochure, Carmela comes from behind to see what he was reading.

Carmela - The army?

AJ - Thinking about joining.

Carmela - We had this dicussion last year, you're not going.

AJ - I'm 20 years old, I can make decisions on my own.

Carmela - Judging from your track record, you should acknowledge us of your "decisions".

AJ - Well I can't go back to school and I've fucked up enough jobs and with training I could do something in my life.

Carmela - Sit in a bunker in Iraq?

AJ - There is less combat than the media lets on.

Carmela - You got roadside bombs killing dozens a week or some lunatic running around with a bomb on.

AJ - With training I can learn how to deal with the situation.
Carmela - Tell that to 4,000 dead kids who thought the same thing.

AJ - 4,000 is nothing for a large scale war. Look at Vietnam, we lost 16,000 in 1968 alone.

Carmela - What about Iran, Afghanistan or North Korea? You're gonna be somewhere where bullets are flying...AJ this is not what's right for you.

AJ - I have to do this.

Carmela - You have any idea what your ftaher will say?

AJ - He'd support it, he hates terrorists.

Carmela - But he doesn't his son a million miles away killing them.

AJ leaves the brochure on the table and decides to head upstairs.

Nick Navarra enters a dark room. Carmine and Mike Zumpano are there waiting for him.

Mike - What took you so fucking long?

Nick - Fucking traffic.

Carmine - The russian?

Nick - He's in, 100%

Carmine - Wonderful.

Mike - I gotta say, Carmine, is the Vinny - Paulie shit really worth this?

Carmine - That's just part of it, Mike. The whole AC and Philly situation was a disgrace. He killed DeCiccio over an insult, he was willing to resolve things. Plus you got him refusing to share his piece of AC with us. Tossing a fucking cigar at me?

Nick - Total lack of respect.

Carmine - When me and John went at it, we all know he supported John.

Mike - You can't prove that.

Carmine - Plus he and John took out Rusty, what the hell did he do?

Nick - The guy was planning to fucking retire.

Carmine - The Fazio kid attacking our guys...he runs his family like a substitute teacher.

Nick - Plus Gaultieri..

Carmine - Don't get me started.

Nick - Something has to be done, Carmine.

Carmine - We spearhead their administration and ranks, hit them where it hurts.

Mike - Anyone in mind?

Carmine - Tony, Silvio Dante, and Paulie Gaultieri and the AC regime of Curto and the Fazio kid. He hit them and we completely decimate their organization and take a stranglehold over AC.

Nick - What about Patsy Parisi? Brother in-law now, has roofers union in Hoboken.

Carmine - No, I always thought he was level headed...we can do business with him.

Mike - When?

Carmine - I want this done in 24 hours, I'll be in a safe area soon.

Tony now at the Bing. The capos: Larry Barese, Walden Belifore, Pete Feretti, Patsy Parisi and Ray Curto Jr. are there. Silvio and Paulie are also present.

Sil - Looks like Carmine is going the Phil route, T.

Tony - We know for sure?

Sil - Navarra contacted Slav over possible business expansion, seems like the wheels are in motion.

Paulie - We should hit the weasley fuck asap.

Tony - George made it clear that we can't do shit. Can we really suspect this shit over Nick meeting with Slav?

Ray - Suspicious, no?

Tony - Patsy, he meets with those Greek fucks on the Westside every now and then...you think they jump to these conclusions too?

Paulie - Thing is, T. The shit that happened with Sil and Bobby when we took our eye off Phil, we should be more prepared.

Tony - You're right...

Sil - So, what now?

Tony - Everyone stay on high alert, keep your fucking phones on and have some of your crew with you. You see anything odd, you call Sil or Paulie and I'll take it from there.

Tony now getting ready to go out with Carmela in their bedroom

Carmela - I just can think of AJ in the army

Tony - Could be worse, the shit kids do now

Carmela - Oh please, AJ barely leaves the house besides work.

Tony - Jackie Jr.? Seemed like a good kid and bam, was involved with fucking drugs.

Carmela - Sitting in Iraq is a little different than doing pot.

Tony - Army could be good. My older cousin, Vince, went to Vietnam, drafted. Lost weight, was muscular, became a Sargeant.

Carmela - You think he could give AJ advice?

Tony - He got his head blow off in '68, during the Tet offensive.

Carmela - And you wanna let AJ join the army?

Tony - Just because one guy was killed forty fucking years ago doesn't mean AJ will.

Carmela - The thought of it Tony...could you imagine?

Tony - He maybe be a lazy fuck, but AJ isn't stupid. If thinks the army is where he wants to be, then we should let him leave.

Benny Fazio is jogging down a trail, starts to drizzle a bit. Trail has some other joggers, but mostly empty. He stops and take out his water bottle, raising it up hoping some rain falls in. He walks over to a bridge over looking a creek. A gun appears from behind him, the gunmen sticks it behind his ear. He fires a shot, a red mist floats in the air. Benny's body jolts forward, over the bridge and hits the rocky surface of the creek.

Tony is in Melfi's office, there has been a long pause in conversation.

Melfi - You seem rather tense today, is there a reason why?

Tony - Business and family problems, nothing fucking changes does it?

Melfi smiles

Tony - Janice has no money again....she had a package of money coming her way and she was cut off and...

Melfi - Package for what?

Tony - She um...won some lottery thing and the checks stopped coming, and she wants me to help.

Melfi - Why not?

Tony - More important shit, she has her own responsibilities in life.

Melfi - We never discussed how she copped with the murder of your brother in-law.

Tony - He was a good guy, but these fucking drug dealers he got involved with....good thing his son wasn't with him when he was shot.

Melfi - Was she depressed at all?

Tony - Cried from time to time.

Another pause

Tony - My son, wants to join the fucking army...how about that?

Melfi - Do you support him?

Tony - Takes some balls to do that these days, fucking guys running around themselves to pieces or some shit. Me, I think it'd be good for him, make him a strong person, not the whiney fucking punk he is. Carmela, fucking hates it, she's afraid he'll get shot.

Melfi - Any parents' fear.

Tony - What?

Melfi - Out living their child.

Carmine hears his phone ring, picks it up. It's Nick.

Nick - We gotta the little guy, we'll be realing in the big fish soon.

Carmine - Good, I'm getting hungry.

Nick - See you for dinner.

Tony now at the Bing with Paulie and Larry Barese.

Larry - Any news regarding Carmine?

Tony - No, nothing yet.

Larry - You know, when Junior met him, Carmine was like four, Junior told the old man that Carmine Sr. had an austisic kid. Who the fuck would think he'd be a fucking boss?

Paulie - Yeah know, if his fucking father had named a fucking successor, none of this shit would be happening. Everyone fucking knew it was John's turn and we had decent relations with him. Then Phil and his fucking brother...

Tony - We know the fucking story.

Paulie - Still, T, you gotta think of what coulda been, right? John becomes boss, and no lays a fucking finger on us.

Tony - Not like you help the situation.

Paulie - Fuck that shit, that little fa***t Lombroso was on everybody's shit list.

Door opens, it's Patsy.

Patsy - Benny's gone, they him found in a creek. His head completely crack open on one side.

Tony - Accident?

Patsy - No, he was popped before he went down.

Tony - Okay...Paulie you call Sil. Larry get there other capos to the spot. Don't miss a fucking person.

Sil is undressing, his comare, Lisa, is in the background. They're in a condo, owned by his comare. He takes off his sports jacket.

Lisa - Sil, do you where the cat went?

Sil - Haven't even fucking seen him, probably chasing a rat.

Lisa - Yeah, probably.

Sil continues to undress, takes off his shoes and belt.

We see two men dressed in black in approaching the condo. They are wearing balc caps and gloves. One pulls out a 9mm.

Lisa - Want a drink?

Sil - Yeah sure, whatever you're having.

Door slams open, Sil gets up. A gunman appears, shoots Sil in the shoulder. The seond gunmen appears and pumps two into his abdomen. They begin firing rapidly into Sil's body. He has been hit several times in the chest, a couple in the leg. Sil collapses onto a coffee table, glass and and blood fly up. Lisa screams, she is shot in the back. She begins crawling to a phone, one of the gunmen walks up and shoots her in the head.

As the two hitmen leave the room, we hear a cell phone go off, coming from Sil's jacket pocket.

Ray is packing files and money up at one of the casinos in Atlantic City. His cell goes off.

Ray - Hello?

Paulie - You leave yet?

Ray - Almost out the fucking door, my crew is already in their spots.

Paulie - Hurry the fuck up, we aint dealing with the girl scouts here.

Ray - I'll fucking be there!

Ray hangs up and leaves his office. Goes to his car, paralelled park outside the casino on a busy night. Some attractive women catch his eye but he gets into his car. As he starts his car and flame bursts through the hood, igniting the car. The car explodes, launching a fireball straight up into the night sky. People jump for cover, windows of shops shatter. Ray's smoked carcus has melted into the remenates of his car.

Three cars pull up to a farmhouse, in a rural area. Tony, Paulie, Patsy, Larry, and Walden head towards the house with some armed bodyguards in front and behind them. The house is typical, white walls, some to little furniture, but the fridge is filled.

Tony - Anyone see Pete?

Paulie - Called him, no answer.

Walden - Carmine probably got him too.

Larry - What a fucking disgrace, the balls on Carmine.

Paulie - Was planning to fucking months, I bet.

Tony - Doesn't fucking matter now does it?

Paulie - Sorry, T. Y'know Sil and Ray and maybe fucking Pete get fucking clipped cause Carmine's a fucking crybaby.

Tony - Hopefully Slav can give us something to work with, get a hold on him. I'll call George in the morning, can't think to well right now.

Nick walks up to Carmine, now in a much different area.

Nick - Hits have been decent.

Carmine - We didn't get Tony or fucking Gaultieri.

Nick - This thing aint over yet Carmine, we got 50 buttons looking for those cocksuckers. He'll turn up.

Carmine - He better....

Nick leaves the room, Mike Zumpano accompanes him. Carmine sits in a leather car, staring into a fireplace.

The End

"When my time comes, tell me, will I stand up?"
Paulie "Walnuts" Gaultiere - The Sopranos