I've read before that The Godfater sodl 30 Million copies, so wouldn't it TIE with Valley of the Dolls.

I haven't looked at this link yet, nut i'm expectig it to be the Godfather, Lord Of Teh Rings, etc. near top.

The edition he is referrign to i I BELIEVE the Redcover Paperback 25th anniversary...1994.

Bible...6 Billion how many people actually BUY the Bible? Besides Churches, I borrow mine from Church? Pocket Bible is probably a Best Seller lol

The Pope probably doesn't even have more than 1 personal bible!

ANYWAY....there numbers are NOT based on sales or else they would be more accruate than...." about 6 billion"

Mao Zedong's Red Book sold 800 Million copies? I guess there ARE 1 billion peopel in CHina lol.

I Forgot about Guiness lol

Sorry, Cam/SC, but i doubt the authenticity of this site.