Originally Posted By: SC
Geez, Mick, thats heavy handed even for you.


Heavy handed it was, but besides ignoring my advice of taking Tums to cure those ulcers, I think he is trying to give some constructive criticism.

Sure, I've been a total dick to Irish for years. Everyone knows that, and no one will disagree with that fact. But at a few times, when I wasn't trying to find the smallest little shit to get pissed off over, I tried to give advice.

Sometime back, fuck if I remember which movie, I wrote this review and Capo over at FCM complained of how instead of talking about the movie itself, I was bitching about how it wasn't some Michael Bay travesty....

I disagreed, saying how I was trying to compare why this was good, and why that sucked my balls. But I got to thinking, and I thought Capo had a point.

He apologized, but really he didn't need to. He was giving me constructive advice, and unless I'm mistaken, we respect each other's cinema opinions, and respectfully disagree....whatever its DePalma's SCARFACE (a film he hates, but its one of my favorites) or RAMBO 2/3(how he liked them, but hated the recent 4th RAMBO? Fuck if I know)...

Sincere advice can be taken or left for the garbage man on wednesdays.