Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Klyd, if Obama were to only lose PA by 5 points (as current polls are showing), it would be a remarkable "comeback," wouldn't it?

She won all the big states, yes, but not by the landslide amounts that Obama has won the small states. There's the difference.

By the way---If she wins PA by less than 4 or 5 percentage points, she only "nets" about 10 more electoral votes on the night than he does.

Two weeks ago, the Obama camp thought that a 5 point loss would be a miracle. Today it's realistic, and I think possible although I would guess Hillary will win by more than 5.

Actually Hillary won Ohio, Massachusetts, New York, California, Michigan and Florida by double digits. Of course, Mich and Fla came without delegates or opponents' names, but she certainly would have carried those states anyway. You're right about Obama's margins in other states, except for Missouri, which I believe was very close.

By the way, it's good to have you back again, pizzaboy.