Overnight about a thousand Ron Paul signs sprouted up all over the place. Some are homemade. I thought of a slogan for him:
"If Ralph Nader isn't delusional enough for you, vote Paul."

The Many Obama signs I see throughout central PA simply state, "Veterans for Obama." His campaign brochure, which I received in the mail, emphasizes his work and commitment to blue collar workers, and friendship with Bob Casey. It also contains references and a picture of his grandfather when he served in the military.

McCain hasn't been here much, not that he has to.

Hillary's recent tv ads in central PA attack Bush on prescription medication, energy and the economy.

While Hillary should carry PA, Obama very well may solidify the nomination. this could be the only time we'll ever see a candidate win the party's primaries in California, New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan, Ohio AND Massachusetts...but lose the nomination.