I have not exhaustive research. However, the few states that I have reviewed leads me to believe Obama is not as strong as perceived in crossover Republicans nor independents. The states I have looked at hard returns and county by county results have shown he has beat HRC in tradional Democratic strongholds. Likewise in the traditional Republican strongholds he has done poorly. Intersting when you look at county by county election returns and color in the map. Let's say HRC is pink (call me a cheuvenist :)) and make Obama blue. Go across the U.S and color in the map by county and you will see a lot of pink.

Take my own state Missouri, Obama won the state vote. However, he won only 5-6 counties (he trounced HRC). HRC, on the other hand won handliy in the other 105 counties.

Caucases are an anamoly and cannot be considered as it is easy to scew the results one way or the other.

However, the other states I have looked at (and granted I have not seen them all) have this same trend.

If Obamaa gets the nomination (and I am ASSuming he will), I am not sure he will be able to garner enough support in the Democaratic areas to overcome the Republican areas.

Further -- think about it -- we are only talking about battles in about 10 or 12 states. The others are so strongly entrenched either Republican or Democratic that it does not make a difference.

Just an observation -- I dont suport either candidate!