Originally Posted By: goombah
 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

And let me tell you, what was once wealthy, no longer is. It used to be that $100,000 annual salary made you rich. Where I live, you can barely make ends meet if you make that. Especially if you are raising children, who will require $30,000 per year for college.

Isn't this reality pathetic? You hit the nail on the head, SB. For a family of four, $25,000 per person should be more than sufficient. The increasing tax rates over the past 20 years, the steady inflation, the high cost of fuel, and the always escalating cost of educating our children have seriously derailed many working parents' ability to survive beyond paycheck to paycheck.

I received my first raise of a measley 2.5% last year, which was the first pay increase since 2004. Thankfully, my wife makes good money as an attorney, so we are comfortable. But if I were the main breadwinner, a 2.5% raise does not cover the cost of increased fuel, parking rates, and food costs that have skyrocketed since 2005's aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina & Rita.

I would say the new standard of "wealthy" that SB is referring would be at least $125,000. But in bigger cities like NY, LA, or Chicago, the much higher cost of living would probably only classify such a salary as "upper middle class."

Well if you were to make $125,000 and Obama is president you would be another member of the evil rich who need to be taxed more in order to fund his social welfare programs. Instead of maybe just cutting spending and being happy with the amount of money the government takes from individuals, we don't pay taxes.

Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning huh? Fuck you, pay me.