Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Look, I know that Obama is not responsible for what other people say. However, if the pastor of my church, which is a Roman Catholic church, started preaching that the Church did the right thing by hushing up the Pedophile Priests, and that it was perfectly OK for the priests to do what they did, and that more priests should have sex with young children, I would find a statement like that so against my personal beliefs that I would demand his resignation.

Sorry, but I don't believe you. At most, you probably would have quietly told others about how you thought that was wrong, but openly stand up and publicly demand such a thing?

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
If my parish felt that it was okay for him to stay, I would leave and go to a different church.

And that would be it.

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Obama, who says that he despises the sentiment of these statements, would make the leap to despising the man who said them. However, he remained fairly close with him and is still a member of his church (and please correct me if I'm wrong). How can you expect anyone who spews such venom to act as your spiritual and moral guide, which is what a pastor is supposed to do.

I don't know, how can a President be competent with policy if he believes in a faith that Jews and all other non-believers of Christ will be destroyed at the End Times...like Bushie and his Evangelical pals?

Does Bushie himself want the Jews destroyed for not following Jesus? Of course not. But his ministers?

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I have found Obama to be incredibly bright, charismatic, quick on his feet, and wonderfully refreshing. This whole thing does bother me, though.

Maybe its because I'm from the Bible Belt, and the crazy shit that Wright said....lets just say I've heard even nuttier shit* being spouted from the pulpit over the years. Trust me Babe, you Catholics have nothing on our wonderful creativity.

*=(1)"Each time you buy a ticket in the state lottery, your soul dies one scratch at a time."

(2)"Homosexuality is a sinful disease from up North and out West."

(3) "I don't believe in the Theory of Evolution."

(4) "I will only watch THE GODFATHER when Clean Flicks makes their own edit of it, so my family can watch it."