Originally Posted By: olivant
I love the 300. But it's coloring (if you can call it that) seems to be different from other movies. The colors are pretty dark as if my television's contrast is skewed in that direction. Does anyone know what technique they used?

No idea mate.

Though I have two serious problems with 300, of which even its fans seem to give me victory on.

(1) The domestic wife sub-plot. Does anyone actually even like it, or was moved by it? Its like Zach Snyder was trying to placate the women with something to watch outside of the beefcake fighting...which makes me wonder, what sort of gal willing goes to see 300 anyway?

Really, that sort of "creative invention" that completely fails from Snyder's end gives me great worry for his WATCHMEN movie. Alan Fucking Moore doesn't need such soap opera nonsense.

(2) Too much slow-motion. The idea of slow-motion is to emphasis a a special cinema moment, but too much ruins subsequent magic to be gleaned from such a technique.

Yea yeah I know, Snyder was trying to make some scenes capture a comic book frame, but it completely saps out the great energy from the climax, a hero's last stroke humiliating his enemy's divinehood, is really fucked out of its mighty power because we the audience by this point have become immune to it.

BTW, anyone notice how two "man classic" movies loved by frat dudes everywhere like FIGHT CLUB* and 300 have such incredibly-open homosexuality overtones? This can't be a coincidence.

*=Hell, author Chuck Palahnuik is homosexual. Nope, no coincidence I'm sure...not that it really matters.