Ah, you DONT want to use Triple A!

Me, being an idiot, ran out of gas while coming back from snowboarding one day. But, because I was coming down I was able to coast right along down (if you've ever driven I-70, you know how steep it is). Anywho, I eventually had to come to a complete stop. I get to the shoulder and call AAA, they say they will send a tow truck from Dillon (the nearest town) w/ enough gas to get me to the next station. Cool

An hour and a half later, no call, no gas, and 4 trucks from Dillon have driven past. I am soaked from snowboarding all day, the sun is, for all intents and purposes, down, and my battery is dead. I call them back. They tell me that havent been able to reach anyone in Dillon, to sit tight.

Finally, about a half hour after that, a guy pulls over an offers to push my car down to the next exit. I was confident I did not have power breaks or steering, I dont have power anything else. Well, turned out I DID have power breaks, so I ended up being pushed, coasting at around 65-70 down an incredibly steep hill, hand-breaking, and starting it all over again until the Georgetown exit. I get gas, jump my car, and am about to pull out of the gas station when my phone rings.

"Uh, Mr. Gilbert, we were able to reach a company. They'll bring you that gas to you in about an hour"

I have a feeling that if that guy hadnt pushed me, I'd still be up there

If winners never lose, well, then a loser sure can sing the blues.