Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
DT, you give some excellent examples. And I agree that the USA has a racist history.

HOWEVER, hate-mongering is hate-mongering, I don't care WHO says it, be it Pat Robertson, Hagee, Reverend Wright, or Bozo the Clown. And if a candidate aligns him- or herself as closely with such a person as Obama has aligned himself with Reverend Wright, then chances are they will be painted with the same brush.

But you are still talking about Obama and his relationship with Wright. And I don't see the other candidates being painted with the same brush.

I just want one answer: Are the statements of white evangelical ministers subjected to the same standards of judgment as those being applied to Wright's statements?

Wright goes silly and off on tangents about the glaring unfairness and cruelty that marks so much of American history. Right-Wing White Evangelical preachers blame 9/11 and Katrina on the retribution of God against our social decadence. I listened to Wright and think "the man is crazy but has some points." I listen to Hagee, and I think "this guy is just crazy." Yet, thanks to the broken nature of our political discourse, we are all mostly just talking about Wright.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"