DT, you give some excellent examples. And I agree that the USA has a racist history.

HOWEVER, hate-mongering is hate-mongering, I don't care WHO says it, be it Pat Robertson, Hagee, Reverend Wright, or Bozo the Clown. And if a candidate aligns him- or herself as closely with such a person as Obama has aligned himself with Reverend Wright, then chances are they will be painted with the same brush.

A pastor is (IMHO) supposed to be a moral and spiritual leader. They are to be your advisor, mentor and confidante. The Obamas were married in that church, they christened their children in that church and his website touts his long-standing membership in that church. Reverend Wright was invited to the campaign kickoff (and then quickly UNinvited) and has been a volunteer.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club