Originally Posted By: olivant

First of all, you should accurately quote or paraphrase what people say. The words purportedly spoken by Hagee and Robertson were in unrecorded interviews and not on video. Pejorative statements that they have made about groups of people or physical locations are based on their articles of faith. The pejorative statements made by Wright about my race, about my ethnicity, and about my government are not based on articles of faith. He disguises them as liberation theology crap when they are really a function of his inability to deal with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that accompany every life.

And by the way, neither Hagee nor Robertson are McCain's pastor, and neither attacked my race or my ethnicity.

So not having the media run the video of their statements over and over and over again makes what they say OK? Hagee comments are recorded on NPR Fresh Air,and Robertson on the 700 club show.

What did Wright say about the government?

The Government created disease to unleash on minorities ... ok, silly, but I referenced the probable reasons for that paranoia above.

We, through Israel, have supported state sponsored terrorism against the Palestinians

Debatable. To us terrorism is a bomb under a coat in a restaurant, but arguably terrorism might be also rolling bulldozers through villages with innocent casualities

Muslim extremism is not caused only by guys that want to become ghosts and party with virgin ghosts. Some of the cause is linked to our foreign policy and actions over there

IMHO, true. Some of it may be caused by our foreign policy.

The American judicial system is weighted against blacks.

IMHO, true. Acknowledging that inequity still exists is not divisive or racist.

Last edited by Saladbar; 04/04/08 01:52 PM.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"